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GREEN MATCHA for fatigue recovery & deep relax
①Recovery from Fatigue:
・Cactus: Cacti contain essential minerals such as calcium and magnesium, along with various organic acids like citric acid. These components contribute to fatigue recovery and overall vitality.
・Peach: The fructose in peaches serves as an energy source and aids in fatigue recovery.
・Matcha’s Caffeine: Matcha’s caffeine content provides an awakening effect and helps alleviate fatigue.
・Synergistic Effects: The combination of these elements can enhance fatigue recovery.
②Relaxation Benefits:
・Matcha’s L-theanine: L-theanine in matcha promotes relaxation of both mind and body, akin to meditation. It also mitigates the stimulating effects of caffeine.
・Mulberry Leaves’ GABA: Mulberry leaves contain GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), which helps reduce excitability.
③Antioxidant Properties:
・Matcha’s Polyphenol “Epigallocatechin”: Matcha contains potent antioxidants, particularly the polyphenol “epigallocatechin”.
・Cactus’s “Betacyanin” Pigment: Cacti have approximately twice the antioxidant power of catechins due to their “betacyanin” content.
・Vitamin E: Both matcha and peaches contain vitamin E, which further enhances antioxidant effects.
・Cactus: Cacti contain essential minerals such as calcium and magnesium, along with various organic acids like citric acid. These components contribute to fatigue recovery and overall vitality.
・Peach: The fructose in peaches serves as an energy source and aids in fatigue recovery.
・Matcha’s Caffeine: Matcha’s caffeine content provides an awakening effect and helps alleviate fatigue.
・Synergistic Effects: The combination of these elements can enhance fatigue recovery.
②Relaxation Benefits:
・Matcha’s L-theanine: L-theanine in matcha promotes relaxation of both mind and body, akin to meditation. It also mitigates the stimulating effects of caffeine.
・Mulberry Leaves’ GABA: Mulberry leaves contain GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), which helps reduce excitability.
③Antioxidant Properties:
・Matcha’s Polyphenol “Epigallocatechin”: Matcha contains potent antioxidants, particularly the polyphenol “epigallocatechin”.
・Cactus’s “Betacyanin” Pigment: Cacti have approximately twice the antioxidant power of catechins due to their “betacyanin” content.
・Vitamin E: Both matcha and peaches contain vitamin E, which further enhances antioxidant effects.